Spring Flower Fundraiser
Proceeds go to Ryker's Rainbow
Supporting families who suffer the loss of a pregnancy, newborn, infant, or child.
Order Deadline: March 1, 2023
Color Options
- Calliope Medium Dark Red
- Mojo Dark Red
- Mojo Hot Cherry
- Mojo White
- Patriot Bright Red
- Patriot Evening Glow
- Tickled Pink

Contact Brenda Bounds: (256) 679-3397

HWC 2022 - 2023 President's Project
Ryker's Rainbow
Supporting families who suffer the loss of a pregnancy, newborn, infant, or child.
Light extinguishes darkness, it illuminates and it reveals. It helps us see things clearly, guides as we travel, promotes life and growth. Light warms and comforts, brings peace and calm. Light can pierce through and dispel any kind of darkness. What starts as a single reflection of light can become a full rainbow. And that beautiful light within rainbows reminds us of God’s grace and His faithfulness. No matter the circumstance, His work continues. #BeTheLight
If you know of a family in need of assistance, please reach out HERE