The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) is a unifying force, bringing together local Women’s Clubs, with Members dedicated to strengthening their communities and enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.
With nearly 80,000 Members in Affiliated Clubs in every state and more than a dozen countries, GFWC Members are community leaders who work locally to create global change.
We meet the 1st Friday of each month
10:00 am
September through May
Summer Break
June - August
Contact Us for location & details
The Huntsville Woman's Club (HWC) is part of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC).
HWC began in 1965 and has impacted the community through many programs such as:
Compiled a sign language dictionary for the deaf
Carried diabetes detection kits door to door in Huntsville
Held Charity Balls to raise funds for the American Cancer Society
Developed and presented an anti-smoking program for all 5th and 6th grade public schools
Assisted in opening a Day Care Center for mentally challenged adults allowing them to live with their families rather than be institutionalized
Equipped satellite stations of the Madison County Senior Center to provide blood pressure monitoring for senior citizens
Donated cash, and collected and delivered needed items for numerous community projects​
GFWC HWC Projects
GFWC President's Project - Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness & Prevention
Care Assurance System for the Aging (CASA) - now Enable Madison County
Harris Home for Children - 2023-2024 HWC President's Project
Heart to Heart Pet Partners, Inc. - 2020-2022 HWC President's Project
Ryker’s Rainbow - 2022-2023 HWC President's Project
Our History
Huntsville Woman’s Club (HWC) began in 1965 with 35 Chartered Members whose husbands were the engineers and scientists who came to Huntsville to work in rocket and space programs. Previous to the opening of the rocket/space programs, Huntsville (the oldest town in Alabama) was a sleepy “King Cotton” community of about 3,500 people. The HWC Members agreed that their immediate purpose would be to identify and help solve the problems of the 75,000 new arrivals into the Huntsville area.
2015 marked HWC's 50th year as a Volunteer Organization and we are proud of our accomplishments. Our largest fundraiser, an annual/bi-annual Luncheon and Fashion Show, provides funds for Meals-on-Wheels, resulting in over $247,000.00 being donated over 30 years.
HWC Club Members won many honors and awards:
First Place in Creative Writing of Poetry, Photography, Cloth Painting, Decoupage, and Wood Burning Pictures
Best Overall for the Scrapbook for three (3) consecutive years from the Alabama Federation of Women’s Clubs (AFWC)
HWC also received special awards from the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), AFWC North District, and our local city Government.
Since 1986, HWC awarded the $1,000 yearly HWC Memorial Scholarship to a high school woman or mature women of Madison County who is studying at a Local College/University who needs further education.
HWC is proud of our heritage and looks forward to projects in support of victims of domestic violence through HOPE Place; victims of human trafficking; and other important areas impacting our community.