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GFWC Huntsville Woman's Club (HWC) welcomes serious inquiries regarding Membership. We require no sectarian, partisan, or political test for Membership. A Member shall be a registered voter.
A. Any woman, whose objectives and works are in harmony with GFWC HWC, may present application for Membership to the Second Vice President. The application shall contain the signatures of two (2) Members in good standing as sponsors. Membership shall be approved by the GFWC HWC Board.
B. A prospective Member shall attend two (2) General Meetings before the Membership can be submitted for approval by the GFWC HWC Board.
C. Members of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) who wish to transfer to HWC may do so by providing GFWC Membership credentials showing good standing in a Federated Women's Club and by attending an HWC Orientation. They shall be approved by the GFWC HWC Board and notified of Membership by the Second Vice President.

Complete the Application, Submit,
and we'll be in contact with you soon!
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A Volunteer Prayer
I thank Thee, Lord, as a Volunteer
For the chance to serve another year.
And to give of myself in some small way,
To those not blessed as I each day.
My thanks for health, and mind, and soul,
To aid me ever toward my goal.
For eyes to see the good in all,
A hand to extend before a fall.
For legs to go where the need is great,
Learning to love – forgetting to hate.
Pulpit Helps, August 1992
From “The Alabama Federation of
Women’s Clubs Presents,”
Submitted by Cathy Barker

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