Our Friends
Select Years
2020 - 2021 Leadership

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."Gandhi
Marilyn Wells
BJ Boyanton
As we begin another year in Huntsville Woman’s Club, we would like to welcome each of you! Exciting things are happening already and it will take the entire membership to “make the changes” in our community. We look forward to a great year of service and working together.
Elected Officer

1st Vice President
Tracy L. Swayne
Elected Officer

2nd Vice President
Pat Chambers
Elected Officer

3rd Vice President
Fundraising/Ways & Means
Lynette Patterson
Nancy Walters
Flowers - Brenda Bounds; Pecans - Lynette Patterson; Christmas Auction: Beth Hoffman
Elected Officer

Joanie Bush
Elected Officer

Marilyn Guffin
Elected Officer

Parliamentary Advisor
Susan Wessinger
Elected Officer - Director

Peggy Buitekant
Elected Officer - Director

Bettye Pugh
Elected Officer - Director

Tracy L. Swayne
Elected Officer - Director

Brenda Bounds
Standing Committee Chair

Angela Seanor
Standing Committee Chair

Hostess Coordinator
Cherry Saint
Standing Committee Chair

Tracy L. Swayne
Standing Committee Chair

Billie Perkins
Our Club cares about our Members and their families. The Courtesy CSP is truly the heart of the Club and communicates with those that are ill, hospitalized, or recovering.
Standing Committee Chair

Meals on Wheels
Longstanding HWC Partnership
Meals on Wheels: provide meals for homebound elderly people with no one to prepare meals for them. Each weekday, nutritious meals are delivered, enabling recipients to remain in their own homes rather than be institutionalized. Meals on Wheels depends primarily on donations to fund the program.
HWC Members

GFWC President's Project
HOPE Place
Gena Black
GFWC is a national leader in the fight to end domestic violence by raising awareness. HOPE Place is a Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence who are in danger. A program of Crisis Services of North AL, HWC supports HOPE Place by donating much needed supplies.
Standing Committee Chair

Arts & Culture
Beth Hoffman
Catherine Wilson
The Arts CSP enables members to create and contribute to art education and activities in the community. Participation in the arts helps raise public consciousness and connects members and clubs with the community.
CSP Chair

Connie Rosecrans
MaryAnn Moon
The Environment CSP enables members to gain an understanding and appreciation of all aspects of our environment and the world’s resources…natural and man-made.
CSP Chair

Joyce Stallcup
Susan Boothe
The Education CSP intends to improve literacy and education awareness in our community, at home, and around the world.
CSP Chair

Home Life
Linda Treadway
The Health & Wellness CSP reaches individuals, families, and our community by providing opportunities and resources to meet and address needs through volunteering and/or donation.
CSP Chair

International Outreach
Nancy Walters
The International Outreach CSP enables members to become better world citizens through advocacy, education, and action, which will in turn affect change in and for our global friends and communities.
CSP Chair

Public Issues
Peggy Buitekant
Susan Wessinger
The Civic Engagement & Outreach CSP enables members to continue its longstanding advocacy and proven historic involvement towards investigation and development of programs and projects relating to veterans, citizenship, and safety.